24 Ekim 2009 Cumartesi

To Be Kullanımı

"TO BE" am-is-are

"TO BE" etrafımızdaki nesneleri tasvir etmek, niteliklerini,konumlarını belirtmek istediğimizde kullanacağımız temel fiildir. İngilizce bir cümle kurarken kesinlikle bir yükleme ihtiyaç duyulur. İçinde yüklem bulunmayan hiçbir yapının cümle olamayacağını zaten biliyoruz.
John zayıftır. sıfat
Jane bir öğrencidir isim

cümlelerinde ilk bakışta bir yüklem görülemez.Bunlar Türkçe dilbilgisinde isim ve sıfat fiillerdir. Oysa İngilizce’de isim ve sıfat fiil diye yapılar yoktur.İşte isim ve sıfat cümleleri kurarken bu boşluğı biz “olmak”
(to be) fiili ile kapatırız.
Kısaca TO BE yani ”olmak” fiili ya bir nesneyi yada nesneyi niteleyen sıfatı belirtir. İçinde ( dır-dir ) anlamı saklamaktadır.To be cümleleri kesinlikle eylem cümlesi değildirler.İçinde hareket,ivme içeren hiçbir yapıyı anlatamazlar (gitmek,koşmak,gelmek….)
Biz to be fiilini tek başına kullanamayız.Çünkü mastar halindedir ve içinde herhengi bir gramerde zaman yoktur.
To be am-is-are was-were
To be fiili ile sadece isim ve sıfat cümleleri yapabiliriz.Kesinlikle fiil ( eylem ) cümleleri yapamayız.
To be + sıfat
To be + isim
To be + fiil kesinlikle olmaz
To be ile etrafımızdaki tüm nesneleri tanımlayabilir onları nitelik yönünden anlatabiliriz.To be çok önemli bir konudur ve İngilizcenin her seviyesinde karşımıza çıkacaktır. Bu yüzden çok açık bir şekilde anlaşılması gerekir.

Şimdi de TO BE yardımcı fiillerinin zamirlere göre dağılımını bir tabloda inceleyelim.

Simple Present Tense Simple Past Tense
(Geniş Zaman) (Geçmiş zaman)
I - am I - was
You -are You - were
He - is He - was
She - is She - was
It - is It - was
We - are We - were
They - are They - were
TO BE yardımcı fiilleri cümle içinde kısaltılarak kullanılır.
I am - I'm You are - You're He is - He's She is - She's
It is - It's We are - We're They are - They're
She is my daugther ..…………………… O benim kız çocuğum
His shoes are dirty ..…………………… Ayakkabıları kirli
Tom is tired …..………………… Tom yorgun
Shops are closed ……..……………… Mağazalar kapalı
Jane is at home ……………………. Jane evde
I am 21years old ………..…………… Ben 21 yaşındayım
The movie is wonderful …….………… . Film harika
Karen’s eyes are green …...………………Karen’in gözleri yeşil
It is Linda’s bag …...………………… O Linda’ın çantası .
They are in the kitchen ………………… .. Onlar mutfaktalar.

"am-is-are" yardımcı fiiliyle yapılan cümleleri soru haline getirmek için sadece yardımcı fiil cümlenin başına getirilir. Olumsuz yaparken ise yardımcı fiilden sonra 'not' getirilir. Bu kalıp İngilizce'nin bütün zamanlarında aynıdır.


am I.......?
are you.......?
is he.......?
is she.......?
is it.......?
are we.......?
are they.......?

Is she my daugther? ..…………………… O benim kız çocuğum mu?
Are his shoes dirty? ..…………………… Ayakkabıları kirli mi?
Is Tom tired? …..………………… Tom yorgun mu?
Are shops closed? ……..……………… Mağazalar kapalı mı?
Is Jane at home? ……………………. Jane evde mi?
"am-is-are" yardımcı fiiliyle yapılan cümleleri olumsuz yapmak için yardımcı fiilden sonra "not" kullanılır.

I am not
You are not (aren't)
He is not (He isn't)
She is not (She isn't)
It is not (It isn't)
We are not (aren't)
They are not (aren't)


She isn't my daughter. (O benim kız çocuğum değildir.)
His shoes aren't dirty. (Ayakkabıları kirli değildir.)
Tom isn't tired. (Tom yorgun değildir.)
Shops aren't closed. (Dükkanlar kapalı değildir.)
Jane isn't at home. (Jane evde değildir.)

23 Ekim 2009 Cuma

Mevlana Kimdir?

One of the great moslem mystic movements was born in KONYA. This religion known to the west as the whirling Dervishes of Konya was founded by Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi , a mystic poet whose tolerance and humanity were quite expectional for his age. There was not a seeing of fanaticism in Mevlana.
“ Come” he said. “Come again whoever you may be come again, eventhough you may be pagan or fire-whorshippers.” As the symbol of the slicing of earthly ties, Mevlana thought the whirling dance accompanied by the relaxing sound of the thin flute.

Nasrettin Hoca Fıkraları


He lived five hundred years ago but he
still remains among us today in our minds.
His name is a household word in Turkey.
In everything he did there was not only
something funny and smart but also there
was reality.
Here is a story of the Hodja :

As the story goes, the Hodja owned a
donkey and fed him well. Nevertheless
on an unlucky day his donkey ran away.
The Hodja couldn’t afford another one
but he seemed almost happy to the
villagers who saw him. “Allah be prased “
he repeated. “Why do you thank Allah when
your donkey has run away? ”
“I was not on him when he ran away.
So I am safe, if I was on him we would
both be lost.“ answered the Hodja.

"Hoca bir eşek satın alır ve ona oldukça iyi bakar. Gelgelelim bir gün eşek kaçar. Hocanın başka eşek alacak parası da yoktur. Buna rağmen hoca mutlu görünmektedir. Durmadan şükretmektedir. Bunun üzerine köylüler dayanamaz sorar:'Hem eşeğin kaçıyor birde allaha şüredip duruyorsun. Ne iştir bu hoca efendi?' Hoca şöle cevaplar:'Bakın burada ve güvendeyim. Ya kabolduğunda ben de eşeğin üstünde olsaydım.'

Pamukkale Travertens


Here is a touristic place in the Aegean District. In english its name is “COTTON CASTLE”. It is a natural wonder. It is a frozen waterfall. This thermal water leaden with calcium carbonate comes out of the mountain side over the plateau edge. Today people are using this thermal water very good for tourism.

It is 22 km. far from Denizli. In the First Ages its name was Hierapolis. This name came from the King of Misya’s wife whose name was Hiera. Today it is calling cotton castle.Because there are white rocks and when you look at it, it looks like cotton. In the springs people come there from all over the world. They make festivals.

There are historical places for example theatres. They are in very good condition. Beside that there is a historical main street here. Also there is a cave which is very popular and historical. Its name is “Plutonium Cave”. In this cave there are poisonous gases. It is very different and strange isn’t it ?

Truva Tarihi


After crossing the channel we arrive at Çanakkale TROY. It is one of the oldest cities of Anatolia. We hear of Troy described in Homer’s Iliad for the first time during a beauty contest. This contest was probably the first to be ever held in the world. It took place at Mt.Ida. The three finalists were Hera and her daughters Aphrodite and Athena. King of Troy was the one to decide the winner. He chose Aphrodite. Aphrodite kidnapped the King of the Greek Helene. Because of this the war started.

The Greeks wished to recapture Helene. The capture of Troy took along time was succesfull only with the trick of Achilles. The Greeks constructed a huge wooden horse and left it in front of the gates of the city walls. The Geek army retreated to give the impression of defeat. The Torojans were deceived and they pulled the giant horse into the city. But they were unaware that a group of Greek soldiers had hidden inside the horse. They celebrated their victory and fell asleep drunk with joy. The Greek soldiers climbed out when the city was asleep and opened the gates of the city and Troy was finally captured.

Kirkpinar Güreşlerinin Tarihçesi


There is a sort of wrestling in Turkey which I am sure you have never heard of. The Wrestlers cover themselves with olive oil. They also wear a special sort of breeches made out of buffalo skin and which is tightened around the waist and legs. The traditional place where these wrestling matches are held is at Kırkpınar ( meaning forty springs ), near Edirne. There is also a legend to this place.(In the past) The story of the Wrestling is here: Wrestling competitions were held in honour of the Sultan who was visiting the area. Forty men wrestled with each other and not one of them yielded until morning came when all of them fell down from exhaustion and died. There is also a legend to this place.

Suddenly forty springs sprang from the ground where they had fallen. And the Sultan moved by this scene, ordered that from now on all the wrestling matches would be held at Kırkpınar each year in honour of the forty men who would not be defeated in front of their Sultan.


To show addition
• and
• in addition
• besides
• furthermore
• moreover
• what's more
• too
• not only ... but also
• both ... and
• not so obvious
• as well as
• another

To show time
• now
• since
• after this
• at length
• thereafter
• already
• after a few hours
• in the end
• afterwards
• then
• later
• previously
• formerly
• at an earlier time
• at the same time
• simultaneously
• meanwhile
• in the meantime
• and then

To show sequence
• first, second, etc.
• next
• former
• latter
• final
• last
To show purpose
• to
• in order to
• so that
• for the purpose of
• with this in mind
• with this in view
To conclude

• to conclude
• in conclusion
• thus
• finally
• last
• to end

To infer
• hence
• so
• therefore
• consequently
• as a result
• for this reason
• this being the case
• it follows that ...
To summarize
• in brief
• in summary
• on the whole
• to sum up
• in other words
• briefly
• in short
• in conclusion

To exclude
• with this exception
• all except
• all but
• except for this
• not that
• but not
• neither ... nor

To show condition
• if
• whether

To show alternatives
• or
• either ... or
• whether ...or not

To concede

• no doubt
• admitting
• to be sure
• certainly
• indeed
• granted
• true
• in any case
• in any event

To emphasize
• obviously
• in fact
• as a matter of fact
• indeed
• what's more
• even without this
• especially
• truly
• really
• certainly
• moreover
• in truth
• above all

To compare
• similarly
• likewise
• in like manner
• parallel with
• in the same category • comparable to
• equally important

To contrast
• on the other hand
• on the contrary
• conversely
• by contrast
• from another point of view
• more important
• but
• yet
• and yet
• however
• still
• after all
• for all that
• although this is true
• while this is true
• in spite of
• though
• even though
• nonetheless
• nevertheless
• notwithstanding
• in spite of this

To include
• namely
• especially
• specifically
• in detail
• including
• in particular
• to list
• to enumerate

To repeat
• to repeat
• in brief
• in short
• as I have said
• as I have noted
• in other words
• once more
• again
• yet again
• that is
To give examples
• for instance
• for example
• to demonstrate
• to illustrate
• as an illustration
• a case in point
• another case
To paint a picture
• imagine this scene
• to illustrate my point
• let's examine this idea closely
To mark
• with respect to
• as for ...
• concerning
• in point of reference

To link
• in general
• to resume
• in particular
• to continue
• to return
• along with
To refuse

• no
• hardly
• on the contrary
• never

22 Ekim 2009 Perşembe

Too - Enough Kullanımı

PART A: Put in words from the box together with enough.
big Champaign clever good hard
time confidence friends old money

1. "In art the best is ____________________" Goethe says.
2. I never had ____________________ when I was young; now I never have ____________________.
3. This room isn't ____________________ for both of us.
4. Helen hasn't got ____________________ to play with.
5. Robert is not ____________________ to travel by himself.
6. There was ____________________ to give everybody a glass.
7. If you work ____________________, you don't have to be very clever.
8. She was ____________________ to do anything she wanted, but she didn't have ____________________ to try.
1. good enough
2. enough money/enough time
3. big enough
4. enough friends
5. old enough
6. enough Champaign
7. hard enough
8. clever enough/enough confidence
PART B: Complete the sentences with too/enough and words from the list.
clean / people / swim
fast / police / catch
muddy / them / see
old / take
spicy / children / eat
quietly / me / hear
tired / understand
well / listen
well / decide

1. The meal was ____________________________________________.
2. Sue is not _______________________________ the dog for a walk.
3. They were speaking _____________________what they were saying.
4. Near some beaches, the sea is not _________________________ in.
5. There's someone out there, but I can't see ______________________ if it's Emily.
6. The water was ____________________________________ anything.
7. I'll work on this tomorrow - I'm ________________________ it tonight.
8. I don't understand English _____________________ to Australian radio.
9. He drove ____________________________________________ him.
1. too spicy for the children to eat
2. old enough to take
3. too quietly for me to hear
4. clean enough for people to swim
5. well enough to decide
6. too muddy for them to see
7. too tired to understand
8. well enough to listen
9. too fast for the police to catch

21 Ekim 2009 Çarşamba

Tüm Zamanlar Tablosu

If Yapıları


1. If with happen to : "Happen to" is used to suggest that something happens by chance . It is often used with If .
If you happen to pass a baker's , pick me up a loaf , would you ?

"should happen to" can be used together.
If you should happen to finish early , give me a ring .

2. If so and If not : These are two useful expressions which are used instead of complete sentences .
Have you got a free evening next week ? If so , let's have dinner .(=If you have , let's ... )
Is anybody feeling cold ? If not , let's put the central heating off .

3. If I'd have : In Informal spoken English , an extra have is sometimes put into if-clauses referring to the past

This is considered "incorrect" and is not normally written , but it is common even in educated people's speech .
If I'd have known I'd have told you . (=If I had known ....)

4. If meaning Although : In a rather formal style of English , "if" can be used with a similar meaning to (al)though . This is most common in the structure If + adjective ( with no verb ) . "If" does not give so much importance as (all)though to the contrast , exception or concession that is referred to .
His style , if mannered , is pleasant to read .
The profits , if a little lower than last year's , are still extremely healthy .

İngilizcede Fiiller

Bir iş, oluş, hareket, eylem, ivme belirten kelime türleridir. Genellikle cümlelerde yüklem görevini yerine getirmek için kullanılır.(to go, to come, to read, to speak etc.) Türkçede sonuna –mek, -mak eki alan kelimelerdir.(gitmek, gelmek, okumak, konuşmak vb.)
Biz fiileri “düzenli” ve “düzensiz” fiiller olmak üzere iki grupta inceleyeceğiz.

Öncelikle İngilizcede her fiilin 3 formu olduğunu söylemeliyiz. 1.,2.,3. hal diyebileceğimiz bu formlar PRESENT, PAST, PAST PARTICIPLE diye adlandırılır.
Düzenli fiillerin 2. ve 3. şeklini elde etmek için o fiilin 1.(present) şeklinin sonuna –d veya –ed eki getirilir.
Example: present 1 past 2 past participle 3 meaning

Want wanted wanted istemek
Cook cooked cooked pişirmek
Play played played oynamak,çalmak
Agree agreed agreed aynı fikirde olmak

Yazım kuralı olarak sonunda “e” olan fiiller sadece –d eki alır. “e” ile bitmeyenler –ed eki alırlar.
Telaffuz olarak şöyle pratik bir yol önerilebilir:
A. Sonunda “t” veya “d” sesi olan fiillere bu –ed ekini ID sesi olarak getiririz. Örneğin; add (toplamak, eklemek) fiili added olduğunda (edıd) gibi teleffuz edilir.
Start (başlamak,başlatmak) started (startıt) gibi.
B. Sonunda “t” veya “d” sesi olmayan fiillere –ed eki getirdiğimizde bu eki t, d gibi çıkarırız. Turn (dönmek, döndürmek) turned (törnd) veya stop (durmak, durdurmak) stopped (stapt) gibi.

Düzensiz fiillerin herhangi bir yapılış kuralı yoktur. Sayılı miktarda bulunan düzensiz fiillerin 3 şeklini öğrenmenin yolu; bu fiilleri tüm şekilleriyle öğrenmektir. Bu listenin dışında kalan tüm eylemler düzenli kabul edilebilir.

Incorrect Examination


1- The police is still looking for him.
a ) "are " not "is " b ) correct c ) "is" not "are"

2- Athletics are my favourite sport.
a ) "are " not "is " b ) correct c ) "is" not "are"

3- Those is nice trousers.
a ) "are " not "is " b ) correct c ) "is" not "are"

4- Twenty pounds is a lot of money.
a ) "are " not "is " b ) correct c ) "is" not "are"

5- The news is not very good.
a ) "are " not "is " b ) correct c ) "is" not "are"

6- Three years are a long time.
a ) "are " not "is " b ) correct c ) "is" not "are"

7- My glasses is broken.
a ) "are " not "is " b ) correct c ) "is" not "are"

8- My scissors is not cutting properly
a ) "are " not "is " b ) correct c ) "is" not "are"

9- Economics are very difficult to understand
a ) "are " not "is " b ) correct c ) "is" not "are"

10- Physics is a very important subject.
a ) "are " not "is " b ) correct c ) "is" not "are"

11- The police have arrested him.
a ) "are " not "is " b ) correct c ) "is" not "are"

12- Many people is worried about this
a ) "are " not "is " b ) correct c ) "is" not "are"

13- The United States are very powerful.
a ) "are " not "is " b ) correct c ) "is" not "are"

14- Fish and chips is nice to eat.
a ) "are " not "is " b ) correct c ) "is" not "are"

15- One of my friends are coming to meet us here
a ) "are " not "is " b ) correct c ) "is" not "are"

16- More than one person are unhappy with this
a ) "are " not "is " b ) correct c ) "is" not "are"

17- A number of us is concerned.
a ) "are " not "is " b ) correct c ) "is" not "are"

18- There are a couple of points to make.
a ) "are " not "is " b ) correct c ) "is" not "are"

19- The rest of the staff are coming later.
a ) "are " not "is " b ) correct c ) "is" not "are"

20- Five hundred dollars are expensive. Have you nothing cheaper?
a ) "are " not "is " b ) correct c ) "is" not "are"

Doğru yanitlar kalın puntolardır.

19 Ekim 2009 Pazartesi

İster İnan İster İnanma

-The only city in the world located on two continents is Istanbul, which has been the capital of three great empires, Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman for more than 2000 years
-The number of archaeological excavations going on in Turkey every year is at least 150

-The oldest known human settlement is in Catalhoyuk, Turkey (7500 BC)

-Temple of Artemis and the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, the two of the seven wonders of the ancient world, are in Turkey

-Abraham was born in Sanliurfa in Southeastern Turkey

-Anatolia is the birthplace of historic legends, such as omer (the poet), King Midas, Herodotus (the father of history) and St. Paul the Apostle

-Julius Ceasar proclaimed his celebrated words, "Veni, Vidi, Vici" (I came, I saw, I conquered) in Turkey when he defeated the Pontus, a formidable kingdom in the Black Sea region of Turkey

-Turks introduced coffee to Europe

-Turks gave the Dutch their famous tulips

-St. Nicholas, who became popular as Father Christmas, was born in Demre on Turkey's Mediterranean Coast

According to legend, Noah's Ark landed on Agri Dagi (Mount Ararat) in Eastern Turkey. The last meal on Noah's Ark, a pudding with nearly 20 ingredients, is still served throughout Turkey

-The last home of Virgin Mary is in Selcuk

-St. John, St. Nicholas, St. Paul and St. Peter have all lived and prayed in Southern Anatolia

-Part of Turkey's southwestern shore was a wedding gift that Mark Anthony gave to Cleopatra

-Homer was born in Izmir on the west coast of Turkey and he depicted Troy in his Epic the Iliad

-Aesop, famous for his fables and parables, was born in Anatolia

-Leonardo da Vinci drew designs for a bridge over the Bosphorus, the strait that flows through Europe and Asia. It was never built

-Alexander the Great conquered a large territory in what is now Turkey and cut the Gordion Knot in the Phrygian capital (Gordium) not far from Turkey's present-day capital (Ankara)

-Istanbul's Robert College (established in 1863), is the oldest American school outside the United States

-Early Christians escaping Roman persecution nearly 2000 years ago sheltered in Cappadocia in Central Anatolia

-The Famous Trojan Wars took place in western Turkey, around the site where a wooden statue of the Trojan Horse rests today

-According to Turkish tradition a stranger at one's doorstep is considered "A Guest from God" and should be accommodated accordingly

-The first church built by man (St. Peter's Church) is in Antioch (Antakya)

-The first Ecumenical Council was held in Iznik.

-Suleyman the Magnificent (the famous Ottoman Sultan) was a poet who wrote over 3000 poems, some of them criticizing the greed of mankind

-Turkey is a long-time member of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) since 1952

-Turkey provides 70% of the world's hazelnuts; the nut in your chocolate bar was most probably grown in Turkey

-Istanbul has a 540-year-old covered shopping mall of 64 streets, 4000 shops, 22 entrances and 25,000 workers, -the famous Grand Bazaar

-The most valuable silk carpet in the world, is in the Mevlana Museum, Konya with 144 knots per square centimeter

-In the 13th century, Marco Polo wrote "the best and handsomest of rugs are woven here, and also silks of crimson and other rich colors"
-Hezarfen Ahmed Celebi was the first man who flew a significant distance using wings across the Bosphorus

-Anatolia is the location of the first known beauty contest, judged by Paris, with Aphrodite, Hera and Athena as leading participants

-Anatolia was producing wine as early as 4000BC

-Turkey receives children from around the world each year on 23rd April to "honor and cherish the freedom and independence of all people"

-Anatolia is the location of Seven Churches of Asia

-Anatolia is the origin of the names of Paris, Philadelphia and Europe

Karikatürler 2

Karikatürler 1

Atatürkün Özdeyişleri


Our great ideal is to raise our nation to the highest standard of civilization and prosperity.
En büyük idealimiz ülkemizi musasır medeniyetler seviyesine çıkarmaktır

To see my face doesn't necessarily mean that you have 'seen' me.To understand my thoughts is to have 'seen' me.
Beni görmek demek yüzümü görmek demek değildir, beni görmek demek benim fikirlerimi anlamak demektir

One day my mortal body will turn to dust,but the Turkish Republic will stand forever.
Benim naciz vücudum bir gün toprak olacaktır. Fakat Türkiye Cumhuriyeti ebediyyen payidar kalacaktır.

Gentlemen,you may become a member of the National Assembly,a Minister of State or even the Presedent of the Republic,you may never 'become' a creative artist.
Efendiler, milletvekili olabilirsiniz, bakan olabilirsiniz, hatta cumhurbaşkanı olabilirsiniz ama bir sanatçı olamazsınız

Peace at home,peace in the world.
Yurtta sulh, cihanda sulh

Science is the only true leader in life.
En hakiki mürşit ilimdir

Teachers;new generation will be your legacy.
Öğretmenler yeni nesil sizin eseriniz olacaktır

Power belongs to the nation.
Egemenlik milletindir

Sovereignty is not given,it is taken.
Bağımsızlık verilmez alınır

Never be afraid of telling the truth.
Asla gerçeği söylemekten korkma

A healthy mind, in a healthy body.
Sağlam kafa sağlam vücutta bulunur

Turkey's true master is the peasant.
Köylü milletin efendisidir.

I am successful therefore I'm happy.
Başarılıyım o halde mutluyum

Turk;be proud ,work and have self confidence.
Türk, öğün, çalış , güven

Armies! Your first target is the Mediterranean , forward!
Ordular! İlk hedefiniz Akdeniz’dir, İleri!

İngilizce Çalişmak İçin Linkler

Links to Language & Study Skills Resources

Below are listed a number of categorised links to resources recommended. You can also find additional links and resources on language & Study Skills.

Listening On the Internet

If you've gone to some sites on the internet that have audio links and could not connect, it could be because you need this version of RealPlayer. It is RealOne player. I found it to be the case with me. I now have access to some audio links that I did not have before. http://service.real.com/faq/downloadfaqs...97.r1fw.en












You can use the Encarta online dictionary in order to hear how a word is pronounced:


Newspapers and Magazines on the Internet













ESL/EFL Reading Resources on the Internet











İngilizcede Sikça Kullanılan Cümleler

1.I see..........Anlıyorum
2. I quit!..........İstifa ediyorum, bırakıyorum, vazgeçiyorum.
3. Let’s go!..........Gidelim
4. Me too..........Ben de
5. My god!..........Aman Tanrım
6. No way!..........Olamaz! Hiçbir şekilde, hiçbir yol,
7. Come on..........Yapma, hadi
8. Hold on..........Bekle
9. I agree..........Aynı fikirdeyim
10. Not bad..........Kötü değil
11. Not yet..........Henüz değil
12. See you..........Görüşürüz
13. Shut up!..........Kapa çeneni
14. So long..........Hoşça kal, oldukça uzun
15. Why not?..........Neden olmasın
16. Allow me..........Bana izin ver
17. Be quiet!..........Sessiz ol
18. Cheer up!..........Neşelen
19. Good job!..........İyi iş
20. Have fun!..........İyi eğlenceler veya eğlen
21. How much?..........Ne kadar
22. I'm full..........Tokum.
23. I'm home..........Evdeyim
24. I'm lost..........Kayboldum.
25. My treat..........Bu benden.

1.So do I----------Bence de
2. This way----------Buradan ya da bu şekilde
3. After you----------Senden sonra
4. Bless you!----------Çok yasa!
5. Follow me----------Beni takip et
6. Forget it!----------Unut onu, unut gitsin
7. Good luck!----------İyi şanslar
8. I decline!----------Reddediyorum
9. I promise----------Söz veririm
10. Of course!----------Tabiî ki
11. Slow down!----------Yavaşla
12. Take care!----------Kendine iyi bak, dikkat et
13. They hurt----------Onlar acıtır, bu incitir
14.Try again----------Tekrar dene
15. Watch out!----------Dikkat et!
16. What's up?----------Ne haber?
17. Be careful!----------Dikkatli ol!
18. Bottoms up!----------Şerefe! İçkiyi bir yudumda bitirmek. Fondip yapmak
19. Don't move!----------Kımıldama!
20. Guess what?----------Tahmin et ne (oldu)?
21. I doubt it----------Ondan şüpheliyim, Ondan şüphe ederim.
22. I think so----------Sanırım öyle
23. I'm single----------Bekârım
24. Keep it up!----------Aynen devam et!
25. Let me see----------Bir bakayım

1.He has a large income----------Onun kazancı çok, iyi para kazanıyor
2. He looks very healthy----------O çok sağlıklı gözüküyor
3. He paused for a reply----------Cevap vermek için durdu
4. He repaired his house----------O onun evini tamir etti
5. He suggested a picnic----------Piknik yapmayı önerdi
6. Here's a gift for you----------Bu senin için bir hediye, işte hediyen!
7. How much does it cost? ----------O ne kadar tutuyor, maliyeti nedir?
8. I caught the last bus----------Son otobüse yetiştim
9. I could hardly speak----------Zorlukla konuşabildim
10. I'll have to try that----------Bunu denemek zorundayım
11. I'm very proud of you----------Seninle gurur duyuyorum
12. It doesn't make sense----------Bunun bir anlamı yok
13. Make yourself at home----------Kendini evdeymiş gibi hisset
14. My car needs washing----------Arabamın yıkamaya ihtiyacı var
15. None of your business! ----------Seni ilgilendirmez
16. Not a sound was heard----------Sessizlik hâkimdi, çıt yoktu
17. That's always the case----------Her zaman öyledir.
18. The road divides here----------Yol burada ayrılıyor
19. Those are watermelons----------Bunlar karpuz
20. What a nice day (it is)! ----------Ne güzel bir gün!
21. What's wrong with you? ----------Neyin var?
22. You are a chicken----------Sen bir ödleksin
23. A lovely day, isn’t it? ----------Hoş bir gün, (öyle) değil mi?
24. He is collecting (saving) money----------Para biriktiriyor
25. He was born in New York----------O New York da doğdu

1.It sounds great!...............Kulağa harika geliyor!
2. It's a fine day...............Güzel bir gün
3. So far So good...............Şimdiye kadar çok iyi
4. What time is it? ...............Saat kaç?
5. You can make it! ...............Yapabilirsin
6. Control yourself!...............Kendini kontrol et
7. You should profit by my exam----------Benim durumumdan ders almalısınız.
8. He is ill in bed----------O yatakta hasta
9. He lacks courage...............O cesaretten yoksundur
10. How's everything?...............Her şey nasıl
11. I have no choice...............Seçeneğim yok
12. I like ice-cream...............Dondurmayı severim
13. I love this game...............Bu oyuna bayılırım
14. I'll try my best...............Elimden gelenin en iyisini yapmaya çalışacağım
15. I'm On your side...............Ben senin tarafındayım
16. Long time no see! ...............Uzun zamandır görüşmedik
17. No pain no gain...............Acı yoksa kazanmak yok
18. Well it depends...............Şeye göre değişir, şeye bağlı
19. We're all for it...............Hepimiz onun için varız, buradayız
20. What a good deal! ...............Ne iyi bir anlaşma
21. What should I do?...............Ne yapmalıyım
22. You asked for it! ...............Sen kaşındın
23. You have my word...............Benim sözüme sahibisin
24. Believe it or not!...............İnan veya inanma
25. Don't count on me...............Beni hesaba katma, bana güvenme o konuda

1.Never mind................Boş ver, zararı yok
2. No problem!................Sorun yok!
3. That's all!................Hepsi bu, bu kadar.
4. Time is up................Zaman doldu, süre bitti.
5. What's new?................Ne haber
6. Count me on................Count me in=Ben varım, beni de sayın.
7. Don't worry................Endişelenme
8. Feel better................Daha iyi hissetmek, daha iyi olmak
9. I love you!................Seni seviyorum.
10. I'm his fan................Onun hayranıyım
11. Is it yours?................Bu senin mi?
12. That's neat................İlginç bir şey
13. Are you sure?................Emin misin?
14. Do l have to?................Yapmak zorunda mıyım?
15. He is my age................O benim yaşımda
16. Here you are................İşte buyurun (alın), işte buradasın
17. No one knows................Kimse bilemez
18. Take it easy................Rahatına bak, kafana takma, boşver
19. What a pity!................Ne yazık!
20. Any thing else?................Başka bir şey var mı?
21. To be careful!................Dikkatli olmak
22. Do me a favor................Bana bir iyilik yap
23. Help yourself................Kendine yardım et
24. I'm on a diet................Diyetteyim
25. Keep in touch................Muhafaza et, irtibatı kesme, teması kesme

1.Time is money...............Zaman paradır
2. Who's calling?...............Kim arıyor, kim çağırıyor
3. You did right...............Doğru yaptın
4. You set me up!...............Bana tezgâh kurdun!
5. Can I help you?...............Yardım edebilir miyim?
6. Enjoy yourself!...............Eylenmene bak!
7. Excuse me,Sir...............Affedersiniz efendim
8. Give me a hand!...............Bana yardımcı ol, bana yardım et (şu işe bi el at).
9. How's it going?...............Nasıl gidiyor? Ne var ne yok?
10. I have no idea...............Hiçbir fikrim yok
11. I just made it!...............Şimdi yaptım.
12. I'll see to it...............O işi hallederim ben.
13. I'm in a hurry!...............Acelem var
14. It's her field...............En iyi o bilir, onun alanı
15. It's up to you ...............Bu sana bağlı
16. Just wonderful!...............Harika!
17. What about you?...............Peki ya sen, bu konuda senin fikrin ne, sen bu konuda ne düşünüyorsun?
18. You owe me one...............Bana borçlusun
19. You're welcome...............Birşey değil
20. Any day will do...............Herhangi bir gün bana uğra
21. Are you kidding?...............Kafamı buluyor (tam Türkçe)
22. Congratulations!...............Tebrikler!
23. I can't help it...............Benim elimde olan bir şey değil.
24. I don't mean it...............Onu demek istemedim, onu kasdetmedim.
25. I'll fix you up...............Sizinle ilgileneceğim.

1.He was not a bit tired...............Hiç yorgun değildi.
2. I will be more careful...............Çok daha dikkatli olacağım, daha dikkatli olurum
3. I will never forget it...............Onu hiçbir zaman unutmıyacağım
4. It is Just what I need...............Bu tam da ihtiyacım olan şey
5. It rather surprised me...............Bu beni oldukça şaşırttı, Şaşırdım
6. Just around the corner...............Eli kulağında, hemen olacak
7. Just for entertainment...............Sadece eğlenme amaçlı
8. Let bygones be bygones...............Eski eskide kalsın (barıştık, eskiyi irdelemeye gerek yok)
9. Mother doesn't make up...............Annem makyaj yapmıyor
10. Oh, you are kidding me...............Ah! Benimle kafa buluyorsun
11. She has been to school...............O okulda olmak zorundaydı
12. Skating is interesting...............Patenle kaymak ilgi çekicidir
13. Supper is ready at six...............Akşam yemeği 6’dadır, akşam yemeği saat 6’da hazır.
14. That's a terrific idea! ...............Bu çok güzel bir fikir, müthiş bir fikir
15. What horrible weather! ...............Ne korkunç hava
16. Which would you prefer...............Hangisini tercih edersiniz?
17. Does she like ice-cream? ...............Dondurmayı sever mi?
18. First come first served ...............İlk gelene ilk önce hizmet edilir
19. Great minds think alike ...............Harika zekâlar birbirine benzer
20. He has a sense of humor ...............O şakadan anlar
21. He is acting an old man ...............O yaşlı bir adammış gibi hareket ediyor.
22. He is looking for a job ...............İş arıyor.
23. He doesn't care about me ...............O beni umursamıyor.
24. I develop films myself...............Filmleri kendim banyo ediyorum.
25. I felt no regret for it ...............Onun için pişmanlık duymadım

1.I get up at six o'clock ...............Saat 6 da kalkarım.
2. I meet the boss himself ...............Patronun kendisiyle tanışırım.
3. I owe you for my dinner ...............Sana akşam yemeği borçluyum.
4. I really enjoyed myself ...............Gerçekten beğendim.
5. I'm fed up with my work!...............İşimden usandım.
6. It's no use complaining ...............Şikâyet etmenin bir anlamı yok.
7. She's under the weather ...............O grip / hasta oldu.
8. The child sobbed sadly...............Çocuk üzüntüyle hıçkıra hıçkıra ağladı.
9. The rumor had no basis ...............O söylentinin asli yok.
10. They praised him highly...............Ona çok dua ettiler.
11. Winter is a cold season...............Kış soğuk bir mevsimdir.
12. You can call me any time............... Beni istediğin zaman arayabilirsin.
13. 15 divided by 3 equals 5............... 15 i 3 e bolünce 5 olur.
14. All for one, one for all............... Hepimiz birimiz birimiz hepimiz için.
15. East, west, home is best...............Ne doğu ne batı evim en iyisi. (Türkçesi “evcazım evcazım sen bilirsin halcazım”
16. He grasped both my hands............... Ellerimi yakaladı.
17. He is physically mature...............O fiziksel olarak yetişkindir.
18. I am so sorry about this...............Bunun için çok üzgünüm.
19. I can't afford a new car...............Yeni bir araba almaya gücüm yetmiyor.
20. I do want to see him now...............Onu şimdi görmek istiyorum.
21. I have the right to know...............Bilmeye hakkim var.
22. I heard some one laughing...............Birinin gülmesini duydum.
23. I suppose you dance much............... Sanırım sen çok dans ediyorsun.
24. I walked across the park...............Parkı boydan boya geçtim.
25. I'll just play it by ear...............Koşullar neyi gerektirirse öyle hareket ederim.

1.I'm not sure I can do it...............Onu yapabilmeğime emin değilim.
2. I'm not used to drinking...............İçmeye alışkın değilim.
3. Is the cut still painful? ...............Yara hala acıyor mu?
4. It's too good to be true! ...............Gerçek olamayacak kadar iyi.
5. Jean is a blue-eyed girl...............Jean mavi gözlü bir kızdır.
6. Let's not waste our time...............Zamanımızı boşa harcamayalım.
7. May I ask some questions?............... Sana birkaç soru sorabilir miyim?
8. Money is not everything...............Para her şey değildir.
9. Neither of the men spoke...............Her ikisi de konuşmadı.
10. Stop making such a noise...............Gürültü yapmayı kes.
11. That makes no difference............... Bu ayırım (fark) yapmaz.
12. The price is reasonable...............Fiyat uygundur.
13. They crowned him king...............Kral ilan edildi, yüceltildi.
14. They're in red and white...............Onlar kırmızı ve beyaz giysi giyiyorlar.
15. We all desire happiness...............Hepimiz mutluluğu isteriz.
16. We just caught the plane...............Uçağa şimdi yetiştik.
17. What shall we do tonight? ............... Bu akşam ne yapacağız?
18. What's your goal in life?...............Hayatki amacın ne?
19. When was the house built? ............... Ev ne zaman inşa edildi?
20. Why did you stay at home? ...............Neden Evde kaldın?
21. Would you like some help?............... Biraz yardım ister misin?
22. You mustn't aim too high...............Çok yüksek amaç seçmemelisin
23. You're really killing me! ...............Beni gerçekten olduruyorsun
24. You've got a point there............... İyi bir noktaya değindin.
25. Being criticized is awful! ............... Eleştirilmek berbat bir şey.

1.Don't fall for it! ............... (argo) aldatılma
2.Don't let me down...............Beni hayal kırıklığına uğratma.
3. Easy come easy go...............Kolay gelen kolay gider
4. I beg your pardon...............Müsaade eder misiniz?
5. I beg your pardon? ...............Affedersiniz anlayamadım?
6. I'll be back soon...............Çok yakın zamanda geri geleceğim
7. I'll check it out...............Onu araştıracağım
8. It’s a long story...............Uzun hikâye
9. It’s Sunday today...............Bugün pazar
10. Just wait and see! ...............Sadece bekle ve gör
11. Make up your mind...............Karar ver
12. That's all I need...............İhtiyacım olan şey bu
13. The view is great...............Manzara harika
14. The wall has ears...............Yerin kulağı vardır.
15. There comes a bus...............İşte otobüs geliyor
16. What day is today? ...............Bugün günlerden ne
17. What do you think?...............Ne düşünüyorsun
18. Who told you that...............Kim dedi sana bunu?
19. Who's kicking off? ............... (argo)kim nalları dikiyor?
20. Yes,I suppose so...............Evet galiba öyle
21. You can't miss it...............Kaçırmazsın (Bir yeri tariften sonra “kolay bulursun” anlamında)
22. Any messages for me? ...............Benim için mesaj var mı?
23. Don't be so modest...............Çok alçakgönüllü olma
24. Don't give me that!...............Atmaaa!
25. He is a smart boy...............O zeki bir çocuk

1.He is just a child............... O sadece bir çocuk
2. I can't follow you............... Seni takip edemem
3. I felt sort of ill............... Kendimi hasta gibi hissettim
4. I have a good idea! ............... İyi bir fikrim var
5. It is growing cool............... Hava soğuyor.
6. It seems all right............... Tamam gibi gözüküyor
7. It's going too far............... Çok ileriye gitti.
8. May I use your pen?............... Kaleminizi kullanabilir miyim?(Resmi)
9. She had a bad cold............... Onun kötü bir soğuk algınlığı var
10. That's a good idea............... Bu iyi bir fikir
11. The answer is zero............... Cevap sıfırdır
12. What does she like? ............... O neyi sever?
13. As soon as possible! ............... Mümkün olan en kısa sürede
14. He can hardly speak............... O zorlukla konuşabilir
15. He always talks big............... O her zaman büyük konuşur
16. He won an election............... O seçimi kazandı
17. I am a football fan............... Ben bir futbol hayranıyım.
18. If only I could fly............... Keşke uçabilseydim
19. I'll be right there............... Hemen geliyorum.
20. I'll see you at six............... Seni 6 da göreceği

Gramer Sorularinin Çözümünde Dikkat Edilecek Noktalar

1. Öncelikle sorunun hangi konunun sorusu olduğu tespit edilir. (Gramer, modal, clause, vs.)

2. Cümlenin içinde zaman uyumu varmı, yokmu kontrol edilir.

3. But, and, then, because gibi bağlaçlar ile bağlanan iki cümlede zaman uyumu aranmaz. Çünkü bu bağlaçlar nokta konmuş gibi birbirinden bağımsız iki cümle yapar. İki taraf birbiriyle uyumsuz iki cümle olabilir.

4. Past tense sadece past tense ile, Present tense kendisi ve Futuru tense ile, Future tense sadece Present Tense ile uyumludur. Future tense kendisi ile uyumlu değildir.

5. Eksik cümleciğin yanında verilen cümlecik veya soruda birlikte verilen tam cümle mutlaka eksik cümlecik ile ilgili ipuçlarını barındırır.

6. Cümle içinde hangi tense olduğuna dair ipucu kelimeler aranır. (ago, for, since, by zaman zarfları gibi)

7. Eğer cümle içinde şimdiki zamanı gösteren kesin bir zaman zarfı yoksa (now gibi) şimdiki zaman seçeneği işaretlenmez. Present Con. Tense seçeneği daha çok dolgu malzemesi olarak konulur.

8. Eğer cümlede Since, for, yet, already, just, ever, never, gibi Present Perfect Tense gösteren kesin bir işaret yoksa seçeneklerden Present Perfect Tense işaretlenmez.

9. Bir cümlede iki tane perfect tense olmaz. Cümleciğin birisi perfect ise diğeri mutlaka uygun farklı bir tense tir.

10. Bir cümlede iki tane Future Tense olmaz. Çünkü Future tense kendisi ile uyumlu değildir. Cümleciğin birisi Future ise, diğeri mutlaka bir present tense tir.

11. Past Perfect Tense hiçbir zaman tek başına tam bir cümle olarak kullanılmaz. Mutlaka cümlenin bir tarafı Past Simple Tense olur. Aynı zamanda bir cümlenin iki tarafıda Past Perfect olamaz.

12. Cümlede by geçiyorsa ve pasn cassive yapıda “tarafından” anlamında kullanılan by değilse cümle %90 Future Perfect Tense, %10 Past Perfect Tense olur. Hangisinin olacağı cümledeki zaman uyumu ile belirlenir.

13. When, While, until, till, as soon as, if, after, before ile başlayan cümlecik kesinlikle Future Tense olamaz. Cümlenin diğer tarafı Present Tense olur.

14. When, While gibi zaman zarflarından sonar Perfect Tense gelirse, bu as soon as ile aynı anlamı oluşur.

15. Perfect Tense – Perfect Cont. Tense ayrımında 3 kritere başvurulur. a. Hareketin devam edip etmediğine bakılır. Devam ediyorsa Per.Cont. olur. Bu kriter fazla işe yaramaz. (boş-dolu bardak) b. Fiil durum mu bildiriyor, aksiyon mu? Yani -ing alıyor mu, almıyor mu? –ing alan action fiil ise Perfect Cont., almayan state fiil ise perfect olur c. Cümlede hareketin tekrarlanma sayısı varmı bakılır. Tekrarlanma sayısı varsa Per. Cont. olamaz.

16. Hope fiilinden sonra mutlaka Future Tense kullanılır.

17. Next zaman zarfı future tense olacağını gösterir.

18. “Ago” geçmiş zamana işaret eder.
19. Sıklık zarfları (often, never, frequently, vs.) eğer yardımcı fiil varsa yard. Fiil ile fiil arasına, eğer yoksa özne ile fiil arasına.

İngilizcede Yaygin Yanlişlar

Five Common Mistakes

Everyone vs Every One

'Everyone' is a pronoun that refers to all the people in a group. -> Everyone wants to have a party!
NOTE: Even though, 'everyone' refers to all the people, its conjugation is singular.

'Every one' is used as a noun to refer to each person. -> Every one of those boys likes candy.

A little, little, a few, few

'Little' is used with uncountable nouns.

Use 'a little' to make a simple statement. -> There's a little water left in that jug.
Use 'little' to make a statement that implies that there is not enough of something. -> There's little hot water left for a shower.

Use 'few' with countable nouns.

Use 'a few' to make a simple statement. -> There are a few people in that room.
Use 'few' to imply that there aren't enough of something. -> There are few reasons to move to New York.

Neither ... nor, either ... or

Use 'neither ... nor' in a negative sense. Conjugate the verb based on the noun following 'nor'. -> Neither my children, nor Tom wants to come to the party. (Notice that 'Tom' takes the conjugation and is therefore singular.)

Use 'either ... or' in a positive sense. Conjugate the verb based on the noun following 'or'. -> Either Peter, or the boys are eating out tonight.. (Notice that 'the boys' takes the conjugation and is therefore plural.)

Make vs Do

You can read a more detailed grammar chant on this here. Unfortunately, there are many exceptions...

The general rule is that 'make' is used when you create something new that wasn't there before. -> I made a cup of tea.
Use 'do' with tasks. -> I did the cleaning up.

Double Negatives

Never use 'no' or a negative twice. In other words, after a negative conjugation do not use a 'no' word. -> He didn't meet anybody. NOT He didn't meet nobody.


1) Unfortunately, I have little time left to work on that problem.
2) Neither the girls nor Alice has (have) enough experience.
3) Everyone is invited to the party!
4) Have you done your homework yet?
5) She doesn't enjoy anything that involves the ocean.
6) There are a few oranges on the table.
7) Every one of the students got a high score on the test.
8) He made the decision to move last week.
9) Either Tom or Peter plays (play) the piano.
10) Nobody likes this food!

Çağimizda Yabanci Dillerin Önemi

Çağımızda Yabancı Dillerin Önemi
Dünyamızın giderek küçüldüğü Teknoloji ve iletişim ağlarının devleşip sıklaştığı günümüzde, İngilizcenin önemini hemen her alanda hissetmekteyiz. İş dünyasında, toplumlar arası kültürel ilişkilerde, ekonomik alışverişlerde, bilgisayarlarda, TV Programlarında, izlediğimiz filmlerde, hatta şarkılarda bile ortak dil İNGİLİZCE. Öyleyse geleceğin aydınları olarak bir dili hele DÜNYA DİLİ İNGİLİZCE'yi konuşuyor olmanın ne kadar önemli olduğunun bilincinde olmamız lazım. Ayrıca elinizde üniversite diploması olmasına rağmen, iş için başvurduğunuzda tüm kapıların 'İNGİLİZCE BİLEN ELEMAN ARIYORUZ' diye yüzünüze kapanmasını istemiyorsanız İNGİLİZCE'yi mutlaka öğrenmek zorundasınız.

Yabancı Dillerin Önemi

İNGİLİZCE’nin dünyadaki iletişim dili olarak önemi gün geçtikçe artmaktadır. İstatistikler , İngilizce dilini ikinci dil olarak konuşanların sayısı anadil olarak konuşanları geçtiğini göstermektedir. Bu yüzden dünyada bilim dilinin %70’i, haberleşme dilinin %80’i ve Internet dilinin %90’ı İngilizce olarak yapılmaktadır.

FRANSIZCA, dünyada 43 ülkede 200 milyondan fazla insan tarafından konuşulmaktadır.Yemek, moda, mimari, sanat, tiyatro ve dans alanında uluslararası dil niteliğindedir. Internette İngilizce’den sonra ikinci dil olarak kullanılmaktadır. İngilizce’nin % 40-50 oranında sözcük sayısı Fransızca/Latince kökenlidir. İstanbul ve Bursa’da toplam 250 tane Fransız şirketi bulunmaktadır.

ALMANCA bir çok Avrupa ülkesinde (Almanya, Lihtenştayn, Avusturya, Polonya, Çek Cumhuriyeti, Macaristan, Romanya, Rusya, Belçika) konuşulmaktadır. Özellikle kimya, tekstil ve bilim alanında kullanılan bir dildir. İstanbul’da çok sayıda Alman firması bulunmaktadır. Türkiye’nin toplam ithalat ve ihracatında Almanya ile karşılıklı yapılan alışveriş en önemli yeri tutmaktadır.

Gazetelerin dil eğitimine katkısı büyük !

Gazete ve dergi okumanın öğrencilerin dil öğrenmesi üzerindeki katkısını belirlemek amacı ile bir çalışma gerçekleştirildi. Araştırmacılar, İngilizce öğreniminde derslerde kullanılan kitapların günceli yansıtmadığını dolayısı ile belirli bir süre sonra bu kitaplara ve derse karşı öğrencilerde sıkıntı ve isteksizlik görüldüğünü söyledi.

Şimdiye kadar İngilizce öğretilen bir çok ortamda gazetelerin göz ardı edildiğini fakat Türkiye'de en son yabancı dil eğitimi müfredatına medya okuryazarlığı dersinin konduğunu belirterek bu doğrultuda dil öğretiminde gazete ve dergi kullanımının medya okuryazarlığını geliştirdiğini vurgulandı.

Yabancı dil öğrenenlere öneriler

Türkiye'de birçok kişinin kariyere yönelik öncelikli çalışmalarından biri dil eğitimi almaktır.

Artık herkesin iş bulmak ya da işini korumak için yabancı dil bilmenin önemli bir belirleyici unsur olup,başta AB'ye katılım süreci olmak üzere, turizm ve sanayide uluslararası ilişkilerin artması, yabancı dil bilmeyi avantajlı hale getirmektedir.

İngilizce'nin de günümüzdeki öneminin gün geçtikçe arttığını kaydeden uzmanlar, dünyada İngilizce dilini 2. dil olarak konuşanların sayısı anadil olarak konuşanları geçmekte olduğuna vurgu yapıyor. Bu yüzden dünyada bilim dilinin yüzde 70'i, haberleşme dilinin yüzde 80'i ve internet dilinin yüzde 90'ı İngilizce olarak yapılmaktadır.

Yabancı dil eğitiminde uygulanan gramer tipi yaklaşımın iyi sonuçlar vermediğini yıllardır gördüklerini savunan bir akademisyen, “Öğretmenlerimize konuşmaya yönelik ders işlemeleri gerektiği anlatılmalı, öğretmenlerimizin ciddi bir hizmet içi eğitime ihtiyacı olduğunu da artık görmeliyiz” diye konuşmakta.

Ana dilde düşünme ve bunu konuşulmak istenen yabancı dile çevirme stratejisini kullanan kişilerin konuşmalarına başladıklarında uzun, karışık, anlamsız söz dizinleri kullanmaktadır. Yani düşünme dili ile konuşma dili aynı olmalıdır. Böylece konuşma hızlanacak ve anlam bütünlüğünü bozacak hatalar yapılmayacaktır.

Yabancı dil öğrenmenin püf noktaları konusunda önerilerde şunları kaydedebiliriz:
“Ayrıntıları kaçırmayın. Tekrar edin. Cümleler kurun. Sormaktan çekinmeyin. Yanlış yapmaktan çekinmeyin. Okuma becerinizi geliştirmek için yabancı dergi ve gazeteleri okuyun. Öğrendiğiniz dilde günlük yazmak, okuduğunuz bir kitabın özetini çıkarmak veya seyrettiğiniz bir filmi yorumlayarak yazmak, dilinizi geliştirmenize yardımcı olacaktır. Öğrenmek istediğiniz dili arkadaşlarınızla konuşarak geliştirebilirsiniz. Yabancıların gittiği kafelere giderek onların ortamlarına katılın. İmkanınız varsa mutlaka yabancı kanalları izleyin. Yabancı müzik dinlemeyi de ihmal etmeyin. Sürekli sözlük kullanmayın.”

Yabancı dil öğrenmeye karar verdikten sonra kişinin kendine mutlaka güçlü bir öğrenme nedeni sağlaması ve bunu öncelikli hedef haline getirmesi gereklidir.

Aslında ülkemizde güçlü bir öğrenme nedeni ve gerekli motivasyonu sağlayabilmek için çok zorlanmıyoruz. Bunun için iş ilanlarına bir göz atmak yeterli. Yabancı dil amaç değil, hedefe taşıyan çok önemli bir araçtır ve bu yüzden geleceğe yönelik kesin bir amacınızın olması dil öğrenme sürecinde çok önemlidir. Yabancı dil öğrenmeye karar verin ve hemen başlayın. Başlamak için bir kelime öğrenmek bile yeterli olabilir. Karar vermek öğrenim sürecine girmek demektir. Yabancı dil öğrenmek için mevcut olan ve erişebileceğiniz kaynakları sadece bilinen bazı yayın evlerinin hazırlamış olduğu kitap, kaset ve CD'lerle sınırlı sanmayın. Mutlaka internetteki kaynaklara ulaşmaya çalışın.

Film metinleri ve şarkı sözlerinin toplumun aynası olduğunu, İngilizce düşünme sürecini hızlandıran faktörler ilgili olarak şu önerilerde bulunulabilir:

“Dil öğrenme sürecini mutlaka zevkli bir işe dönüştürün. Bunun için yabancı bir gazete veya dergiye abone olun. Sinemaya film izlemeye gittiğinizde yabancı dilinizin mutlaka gelişeceğini bilin ve o bilinçle seyredin. Filmlerden maksimum derecede yararlanmaya çalışın. Bunun için eğer gerekli donanım varsa DVD filmleri hem seslendirmesi, hem de alt yazısı İngilizce olarak seyredin. Düzenli olarak mutlaka seviyenize uygun kitaplar okuyun. Eğer büyük bir engeliniz yoksa hedefleriniz arasında kısa süreli de olsa mutlaka bir yurt dışı gezisi olsun.”

Günlük İngilizcede Sikça Kullanılan Yapilar

Günlük İngilizcede Sikça Kullanılan Yapilar ;

I'm sure: Eminim.

I'm sure of it: Ondan eminim.

More or less: Aşağı yukarı.

So much the better!: Daha iyi ya! İsabet!

You seem to be out of sorts: Keyifsiz görünüyorsunuz.

Take it easy: 1-Kolay gelsin. 2-Aldırma! Boş ver!

It is not a question of that: Mesele o değil.

Mind your own business: Siz kendi işinize bakın.

It's none of your business: Sizin üstünüze vazife değil, sizi alakadar etmez.

What is the matter?: Ne var? Ne oldu?

What is the matter with you?: Neyiniz var?

more than one: Birden fazla

I'll miss you very much: Sizi çok özleyeceğim.

I missed the bus: Otobüsü kaçırdım.

so so: Şöyle böyle.

off and on: Bazan, arasıra

It is on the tip of my tongue: Dilimin ucunda

He feels quite down in his mouth: O çok üzgün, çok kederli.

Come along. : Haydi, çabuk!

That's all for now: Şimdilik bu kadar.

break: Mola, teneffüs.

to be over: to finish; bitmek, sona ermek.

The break is over: Teneffüs, mola sona erdi.

tea break: Çay molası.

coffee break: Kahve molası.

Let's have a tea break: Haydi bir çay molası verelim.

This has nothing to do with me: Bunun benimle bir alakası yok.

So much the worse for him!: Yazıklar olsun ona!

It doesn't make any difference: Hiç fark etmez.

It doesn't matter: Zararı yok, fark etmez.

It's of no consequences: Önemi yok.

Get on with it!: Başla! Devam et!

It's for the best: Böylesi en hayırlıdır.

That's the worst of it!: Bu olabileceğin en kötüsüdür.

So it seems: Öyle görünüyor.

It can't be helped: Elden birşey gelmez.

It was to be expected: Beklenirdi.

You will be 'for it: Azar işiteceksin!

In this case: Bu durumda

So called: Güya,

As far as I know: Bildiğime göre,bildiğim kadarıyla

As for me: Bence, bana göre

Any time: Ne zaman olursa, ne zaman isterseniz

Time after time: Zaman zaman

Now and then: Ara sıra

Occasionally: Fırsat buldukça

Frequently: İkide bir,sık sık

Very seldom: Çok nadir

Kolay gelsin ! ; Take it easy !

Sen de gör ! ; And the same to you !

Güle güle kullan, veya hayırlı olsun ; Birbirine çok yakın kalıplar, bu yüzden söyle diyebiliriz yeni bir sey alan bir kişiye örnek olarak; Güle güle kullan veya hayırlı olsun anlamında, Congratulations./ May it go well.

Sana ne ! ; That's none of your business .

Bana ne ! ; Bunun icin tavsiye So What (ayni karisilikta olmasada) "ne var ya ne" anlaminda kullanilir. veya "Its nothing to do with me"
It`s not my business, it`s not my problem veya I`m not interested (ilgilenmiyorum) kullanilir ...

Bakar misiniz ? ; Excuse Me ?

Cok yaşa ! ; God bless you !

Gecmis olsun. ; Get well soon.

Afiyet olsun. ; Good appetite.

What's up? ; Naber ?

This is bullshit! - Bu sacmalik !

Let me say something.. ; Bir sey diyeceğim ..

Tell the truth ; Dogruyu soyle!

[b]You hear that? ; Duydun mu?

How nice can that be ? ; Ne kadar iyi olabilir ki !?

Keep your promise! ; Sozunu tut!

Forgive me! ; Affet !

You should defend me ! - Beni savunmalisin !

Don't take sides! - Taraf tutma!

How's your studies? - Derslerin nasil?

Can you be open with me? - Benimle acik ol !

I wana be open with you . - Seninle acik konusmak istiyorum .

Don't need to say much! - Fazla soze ne gerek!

I'm bored of this conversation. - Bu konudan sıkıldım.

I'm bored of this place !- Bu mekandan sıkıldım.

Birşey değil ! Not at all, No worries, That's Ok, That's Alright, No Problem, You're welcome..

Sinav ve Testler İçin 28 İpucu

28 Top Tips For Exams and Tests
* Practical Exam Tips
* Writing
* Multiple Choice
* Speaking
* Listening
* Examiners & Exam Myths

Practical Exam Tips

1) Pens and Pencils
Some exams require the use of PENS, while others have to be completed in PENCIL. Make sure you know what you should be using in every paper before you go in.
2) Websites
All the major examination boards have websites these days, usually with sample papers and examiners' reports that you can download. These sites are well worth a visit as they may offer a lot of sound advice. The examiners' report, for instance, can give you an idea of exactly what it is that they are looking for.
3) Take Spares
Take spare pens and pencils just in case the one you are using stops working.
4) On time not In time
Allow for problems, hold-ups and traffic jams on the way and make sure you arrive with time to spare so that you can go in calmy rather than in a frantic rush.
5) It may sound stupid, but ...
Don't forget to read the instructions and make sure you know what you are being asked to do. You should go into the exam well aware of what is expected of you, but you should always check. Don't, however, waste a lot of time on this.
6) Honesty- 1
A language exam is not a test of honesty and you will not be penalised if you tell the examiners that you are CANCER rather than SAGITTARIUS in a written question simply because you are sure of how to spell it. Language Tests are quite simply that; they are designed to test your language and not your honesty- don't worry about lying or being economical with the truth in order to show off your accurate language use.
7) Zzzzz
Try to get a good night's sleep the night before any exam.
8) Hangovers
Try to avoid alcohol the night before an exam, especially in quantity, as a bad hangover is among the very worst things to be suffering from in an exam room.

Writing Tips

9) Writing- 1
Don't carried away and overload your writing with too many obvious connectives and contrastives; if every sentence has two or three such words or expressions, then the writing can seem strained and artificial. Remember- you can try too hard as well as not hard enough.
10) Writing- 2
Write on alternate lines (leaving every second line blank) so that you have space to make changes when checking through your work.
11) Writing- 3
Always credit your sources in academic writing, even when you are referring to ideas rather than actually quoting.

Multiple Choice Tips

12) Psychological Warfare
Examiners can choose the same letter successively for the correct answer. After three consecutive answers with the same letter, many students may well start to feel confused and worried. Eventually, many candidates will start changing their answers simple because they don't believe that examiners would have half a dozen of more questions with the same letter one after the other. They can and sometimes do; this is a real test of your comprehension and reduces the possibility of scoring by guessing.
13) Right word, wrong answer
With multiple choice comprehension questions based on a text, a simple trick is to take obvious and prominent words from the text and put them in an incorrect option. Seeing a word or phrase from the text is not enough; these questions are designed to test comprehension not recognition of a word from the passage.

Speaking Tips

14) Speaking- 1
Don't bother learning speeches and trying to say them verbatim (word-for-word) in interviews; examiners will usually spot this without too much difficulty and mark you down for it. It is very hard to do this and sound natural.
15) Speaking- 2
Do think over your answers to common questions about yourself. This an opportunity for examiners to get a general picture of your language level, especially your ability to talk about past, present and future experiences, so run these thing over in your mind and try to include corresponding verb forms accordingly.
16) Speaking- 3
If you are asked to talk about or describe a photograph, don't get too hung up on describing every visible detail. Instead, be prepared to speak in general terms about it and how the theme it illustrates affects you.

Listening Tips

17) Listening- 1
You are often given false information first that sounds as if it could be the answer to the question. An instance of this is where the information given matches one of the answers, but does not fit the criterion given in the question- the person could be talking about last week, say, when the question asks about next week. The correct information usually, but not always, comes afterwards.
18) Listening- 2
Nearly right is not the same thing as right; examiners often give information that sounds more or less correct, but is in some way unsatifactory. Adverbs and modals are often used to send you the wrong way; the listening text might use 'She may well be late' and the question 'She will be late'- this is not an exact match and consequently could easily be the wrong answer. It has to be 100% accurate to be right.
19) Listening- 3
In longer listening passages, they often try to lull you into losing concentration by having quite long sections where no information relevant to the exercise is given, then out of the blue they hit you with a couple of answers in quick succession.
20) Listening- 4
Although most longer listening passages begin with an introduction that lets you get into the flow before they start testing you, you cannot depend on this; the first word could in theory be the answer to the first question.
21) Listening- 5
Examiners will often place a word directly from the passage in a wrong answer and use a synonym *[syn.] in the correct answer; check the meaning and do not rely on word recognition to get the right answer.

Examiners & Exam Myths

22) Examiners- 1
Examiners are, by and large, sadistic so-and-sos. Their sole aim in life is to trap you and catch you out.
23) Examiners- 2
In multiple choice exercises, examiners have been known to use the same letter for the correct answer several times in succession (a, a, a, a, a, etc). This is unsettling and can make students worry that their answers must be wrong; it does not. I once gave a Cambridge Proficiency group an entire Reading Comprehension exercise (25 questions) with the same answer for all. The students started changing their answers and choosing wrong ones because they couldn't believe that this was possible. While I have never seen it, there is nothing to stop them doing it. They are there to test your understanding and will play psychological games to make you doubt yourself, and this is one little trick they use. It also has the advantage of reducing the possibly of inaccurate scores achieved by guessing, as few would guess in a regular pattern, but would try to vary their answers across the range of possibilities. From their perspective, grouping a few consecutive answers with the same letter makes sense.
24) Examiners- 3
Many students and teachers try to analyse exams and work out patterns. In one Cambridge First Certificate exercise, there were usually between four and six correct sentences. Then one year there were only two. Patterns may help, but beware of relying on them; examiners will change them without warning.
25) Exam Myth 1
Apparently, a philosophy student got a first class grade for a paper which had "Is this a question?" as an essay title. Instead of going into the nature of questions, etc, he or she simply wrote "Yes, if this is an answer." Perhaps you should read Exam Myth 2 before feeling encouraged to do likewise.
26) Exam Myth 2
When asked "What is courage?", another philosphy student wrote "This." He or she failed; even though it was, indeed, courageous to stake their degree on such an answer, it was not held to have answered the question. The answer was an example and not an explanation.
27) Exam Myth 3
An Oxford undergraduate, or so the story goes, discovered an ancient regulation that allowed a gentleman to send the invigilator to buy a quart (Two pints or 1.14 litres) of ale (beer) during the exam for the student's refreshment. He duly ordered it and produced his evidence and was bought the beer. The following day, the invigilator approached him with a hat, gown and sword, which another old regulation stipulated had to be worn at all times. So, the student had to to sit through the exam in a stuffy hall on a hot day in a heavy hat, etc.
28) Exam Myth 4
A student used amphetamines (a chemical stimulant) to stay awake to study all night in the days leading up to an exam, hoping to make up for lost time. Feeling shattered on the morning of the exam, they took a huge dose to make sure they were bright and alert and didn't fall asleep halfway through. Throughout the exam, they scribbled away frantically; writing page after page. Unfortunately, they'd taken so much of the stimulant that they failed to notice that they had written everything on the same side of paper, which meant that instead of handing in a dozen sheets of paper, they had one so covered in writing that it had turned black.

İngilizce Paragraf Sorulari


English Jokes
Child pushing himself next to his grandfather.
-Grandad, will you close your eyes?
-Why should I close them, child?
-Because mummy and daddy said, if grandaddy just closes his eyes, we will be very rich.

Çocuk dedesinin yanına sokuldu.
-Dede gözünü kapatır mısın?
-Neden kapatayım yavrum?
-Çünkü annemle babam deden gözlerini bi kapatırsa çok zengin olacağız dedilerde.

18 Ekim 2009 Pazar


EXERCISE 1: Answer each question using the word in parentheses.

Ex. 1. Is that a pen ? (pencil) No. That’s a pencil.

2. Is that a post office ? (bus station) 3. Is this a taxi ? (car) 4. Is that a sports stadium ? (factory)
5. Is this an eye ? (ear) 6. Are those cats ? (sheep) 7. Is that a woman ? (child) 8. Are these
tomatoes ? (apples) 9. Are those theaters ? (hotels) 10. Are these boy ? (men)

EXERCISE 2: Change to the plural.

Ex. 1. This is a child. These are children.
2. This is a foot. These are feet.

3. This is a dress. 4. This is a foot. 5. That is a man. 6.This is a boy. 7. This is a woman 8. That is a girl.
9. This is a watch. 10. That is person

EXERCISE 3: Make Singular.

1.Those are glasses. 2. These aren’t knives. 3. Are they ashtrays? 4. What are they ?
5. We are not businessman.6. You are students. 7. Are those shelves. 8. What are these ?

EXERCISE 4: Answer these questions.

1. Is this a table ? (-)2. Are these glasses ? (-)3. Is this a chair ? (+)4. Are those buses ? (-)5. Is this a lemon ? (-)6. Are they car ? (+)7. Is that a fork ? (-)8. Are they towels ? (-)9. Is that a spoon ? (+)10. Are they beds ? (-)11. Is this an egg ? (+) 12. What is this ? (egg)13. Is this an orange ? (-) 14. What is this ? (knife)15. Is that a spoon ? (-)16. What are these ? (knife)17. Is that a clock ? (-)18. What is it ? (watch)19. Is this a watch ? (+) 20. What are they ? (watch)21. Is it a key ? (+)22. What is it ? (truck)23. Is it an umbrella ? (-)24. What are they ? (ashtray)25. Are these houses ? (-)26. What are these ? (glass)27. Are these radios ? (-)28. What is this ? (glass)29. Are those lemons ? (+)

EXERCISE 1: Change to the plural.

1. The country is big. The countries are big.
2. The city is old. 3. He is busy. 4. It is a pear. 5. I’m a computer programmer.
6. It’s delicious. 7. She’s a scientist.

EXERCISE 2: Complete the statements.

1. A foot has .............. toes. 2. Two hands have .............. fingers. 3. A man has .............. arms.
4. An arm has ............. hand. 5. Five tables have ............... legs. 6. Two chairs have ................ arms.
7. A cat has .............. eyes. 8. I have twelve books. I give one to Ann. I have .............. now.
9. We have nineteen apples. We eat six. We have ............... now. 10. Three children have ............... arms.

EXERCISE 3: Change to the plural.
Ex. He’s a doctor. I’m a tourist. It’s a school
They are doctors. We are tourist. They are schools.

1. I’m a student 5. It’s a city 9. You are a teacher.2. She is a nurse 6. You are a secretary 10. He’s a cook.
3. It’s a dog7. I’m a lawyer11. It’s a watch.4. He’s a friend 8. It’s class

EXERCISE 4: Make Plural.

1. Is this an apple ?2. It is not a knife ?3. What is that ?4. Is that a truck ?5. He is a teacher.6. I am a student.7. She isn’t a tourist.8. You are a businessman.

EXERCISE 5: Make sentences.

1. They / pens / ( ?)2. What / those / ( ?)3. These / trucks (-)4. They / umbrellas (+)
5. It / orange / (+)6. Students / those / American (-)7. It / taxi / ( ?)8. We / holiday / on ( ?)

There Is- Are


"There is / there are" Türkçe'de "var" kelimesinin karşılığıdır. Tekiller ve sayılamayan isimler için "there is", çoğullar içinse "there are" kullanılır.

SINGULAR (Tekil ve sayılamayanlar)

there is.... (there's)
is there...)
there is not (there isn't)

There is a big tree in the garden. (Bahçede büyük bir ağaç vardır.)
There is a good programme on TV tonight. (Bu gece televizyonda güzel bir program var.)
Excuse me, is there a good hotel near here? (Afedersiniz, buralarda güzel bir otel var mı?)
There isn't any money in the bag. (Çantada hiç para yok.)
PLURAL (Çoğul)

there are....
are there...?
there are not... (there aren't)

There are some big trees in the garden. (Bahçede birkaç tane büyük ağaç var.)
There are a lot of people in the school. (Okulda bir sürü insan var.)

Are there any books on the table? (Masanın üzerinde hiç kitap var mı?)
Yes, there are. / No, there aren't.

How many students are there in the classroom? (Bu sınıfta kaç tane öğrenci var?)


There is a vase on the table. (Masanın üzerinde bir vazo var.)

Bu cümlede "It's a vase on the table" diyemeyiz.


I like this vase. It's very expensive. (Bu vazoyu seviyorum. O çok pahalı.)

Bu örnekte de "there is" kalıbını kullanayız.

There Is-There Are

Fill in the blanks with there is or there are .
1-............... ............... some apples in the basket.
2-............... ............... some cherries in the fridge.
3- ............... ............... some cherry juice in the fridge.
4- ............... ...............some pears in the box.
5- ............... ...............some milk in the fridge.
6- ............... ............... some meat in the fridge.
7-............... ...............some orange juice in the fridge.
8- ............... ...............some bread in the basket.
9- ............... ...............some grapes in the box.
10- ............... ............... some students in the classroom.

Fill in the blanks with the suitable words.
1- ............... there ............... water in the fridge?
Yes, there ............... ...............
2- ............... there ...............bananas in the fridge?
No , there............... ...............
3- ............... there ............... oranges in the basket?
Yes,there ............... ...............
4- ...............there ...............spinach in the fridge?
No,there............... ...............
5-There ............... any calenders in the classroom.
6-There ...............any milk in the fridge.
7-There ...............some orange juice in the fridge.
8-There............... some grapes in the basket.
9- ...............there ...............bread in the basket?
Yes, there ............... ............... ...............
10- ............... there ...............pears in the fridge?
Yes , there ............... ...............
11- ............... there ............... cherries in the basket?
No, there ............... ............... ...............
12- ............... there ...............orange juice in the ...............?
No, there ............... ............... ...............

Fill in the blanks with any or some
1- There is ...............milk in the fridge.
2- Is there ............... bread in the basket?
3- There isn’t ............... water in the fridge.
4- There aren’t ...............bananas in the fridge.
5- Are there ............... oranges in the basket?
6- Are there ...............students in the classroom?
Yes there are ...............
7- Is there ............... cherry juice in the fridge?
Yes, there is ...............
8- There are ...............pears in the basket.
9- There is ............... water in the glass.
10- There aren’t ...............grapes in the basket.

Fill in the blanks with SOME or ANY
1- Have you got ---------------?
2- No , I haven’t got --------------- money.
3- I have got ----------------friends.
4- Is there --------------milk in the fridge?
5- Are there ----------------tomatoes in the fridge?
6- There is ----------------money in my pocket
7- There aren’t ------------------apples in the basket.
8- There are ------------------oranges in the basket.
9- I have got .....................money in my pocket.
There isn’t any tea in the kettle.

1- Fill in the blanks with a little and a few .
A- Australians eat ...................meat , they don’t like it like it very much.
B- There is ...................money in his pocket.
C- Yesterday , I drank .................milk.
D- I have ...................friends at school.
E- My brother ate ...................hamburgers last evening.
F- My wife and I went shopping ,and she bought ................... cheese.
G- I need ...................money to buy a car.
H- Cellalettin Adıgüzel eats ...................meat everyday.
İ- Frank Şemsettin likes ...................girls..
J- I speak ...................English.
K- There was ...................rain yesterday.
2- Fill in the blanks with some or any.
A- Is there...................money in your pocket?
B- I have ................... friends.
C- I didn’t eat ...................hamburger yesterday.
D- Çulsuz Murtaza hasn’t got ...................money
E- Sanlı Sarıalioğlu has got...................money to buy a loaf of bread.
F- My friends didn’t read ...................books, but they watched ...................movies.
G- My grandmother told us ...................stories.
H- Do you have ...................friends ?
İ- Did you buy...................books last week?
J- Hakan Şükürlerolsun didn’t score .................. goal two days ago.
K- Banu Aldımvermez has got ...................cars.
3- Make proper sentences.
A- my father / any / money / hasn’t got /
B- little / can / she / speak / a / English
C- Do / have /friends /you /any ?
D- Told / us / some / stories / my / grandmother
E- Eat / Australians / meat / a lot of

Simple Past Tense

The simple past is used to express an action completed in the past at a definite or particular time and also used to express a past habit:
The simple past tense is also used for an action whose time is not given but which (1) occupied a period of time now terminated, or
(2) occurred in a period of time now terminated. See diagram.
1 |_______________|
2 |----------x-----------|

Examples: (1) In 1982, Sarah Michelle Gellar starred in a Burger King
Commercial (but she does not star there now).
(2) Gabriel Byrne once worked as a Teddy bear eye installer.
The following adverbs used with the simple past, are usually placed either at the beginning or at the end of a sentence.
Yesterday, last week/month, last year/time, ago/years ago
Example: John Savage lived in South Africa many years ago.
To form the affirmative of regular verbs, add ED to the infinitive without to. Verbs ending in e add d only. The same form is used for all persons.
Examples : Greta Scacchi worked as a ranch cowgirl in Australia.
Lisa Kudrow graduated from Vassar College with a degree in

The simple past affirmative form of each irregular verb must therefore be learnt, but once this is done there is no other difficulty, as irregular verbs (like regular verbs) and the same form is used for all persons. A list of irregular verbs will be found at the end of this grammar part.
Example : Penélope Cruz became a vegetarian after filming All The Pretty Horses.

The negative structure is formed by adding DIDN’T (did not) after the subject followed by the infinitive form without to of the main verb.
Example : Nicolas Cage didn’t play in Life Is Beautiful.

The interrogative form : DID + the subject + infinitive form without to
of the main verb + ?
Example : Did Nicolas Cage play in Life Is Beautiful?

Spelling notes.
When a verb of one syllable has one vowel and ends in a single consonant, this consonant is doubled before ED.
Example : stop = stopped

Verb of two or more syllables whose last syllable contains only one vowel and ends in a single consonant double this consonant if the stress falls on the last syllable.
Example : pre’fer = preferred
but ‘enter = entered (stress not on the last syllable).

Verb with a final « l » after a single vowel is, however, always doubled.
Example : travel = travelled, signal = signalled

Verb ending in « y » following a consonant change the « y » into « i » before adding ed.
Example : carry = carried
But obey = obeyed (« y » following a vowel does not change).

Grammar Notes from Micheline Perreault
Teen Movieline Magasine, April 2000.
Thomson A.J. and Martinet A.V. A Practical English Grammar, 3rd edition, Oxford University Press, pp147-149.

Çoğul Formlar

Aktif-Pasif Cümleler "Edilgen Çati"


Zamanlara göre aktif ve pasif cümlelerin fiil çekimleri aşağıdaki tablodaki gibidir.
Example: to keep
Simple present keeps is kept
Present continuous is keeping is being kept
Simple past kept was kept
Past continuous was keeping was being kept
Present perfect have kept have been kept
Past perfect had kept had been kept
future will keep will be kept
Conditional present would keep would be kept
Conditional past would have kept would have been kept
present infinitive to keep to be kept
perfect infinitive to have kept to have been kept
present participle/gerund keeping being kept
perfect participle having kept having been kept

Example sentences:
Active: I keep the cheese in the fridge.
Passive: The cheese is kept in the fridge.

Active: They stole the painting.
Passive: The painting was stolen.

Active: They are repairing the road.
Passive: The road is being repaired.

Active: Shakespeare wrote Hamlet.
Passive: Hamlet was written by Shakespeare.

Active: A dog bit him.
Passive: He was bitten by a dog.

Şart Cümleleri "if"


A condition is something that has to be fulfilled before something else can happen.
Conditional sentences have two parts ;

1) the if clause
2) the main clause

Generally the if clause expresses a condition and the main clause expresses the event or result that might or might have occurred . To start the sentence with the if clause or the main clause does not change the meaning. Yet, we must use a comma as we start the sentence with the if clause.

If I go to İstanbul, I will visit the Topkapı Palace.
If Clause Main Clause

We will go for a walk, if Burhan Bey comes early.
Main Clause If Clause


There are mainly five types of conditional sentences:

a) TYPE 0 => Cause and Effect - Habitual results - Advice/ Commands

If you heat the metal , it expands. (cause and effect )
I can't sleep at night , if I drink coffee. (habitual result )
If you have problems , talk to your teacher. (advice )
Don't wait for me if I am late this evening. (command )

b) TYPE 1 =>True in the present or future.

If the weather is nice, we usually sit in the garden. (Present)
If the weather is nice tomorrow, we will go on a picnic. (Future)
If we don't hurry , the others will go without us.

c) TYPE 2 => Untrue (contrary to fact) in the present or future.

If we were on holiday today ,we would sit in the garden. (Present)
If we were on holiday tomorrow, we would go on a picnic. (Future)
I would go to Japan if I had enough money. ( present )

d) TYPE 3 => Untrue(contrary to fact) in the past.

If the weather had been nice yesterday, we would have gone on a picnic.(past)
I would have told you the whole story if you had asked me. ( past )

e) MIXED TYPE => The past action affecting the present situation.

If you had planned this properly , we wouldn't be in this mess now.
If we had saved more money last year , we would have enough for a holiday today.